Saturday, March 11, 2006

Property wisdom

"The whole of Delhi is into properties", said the property broker, who took me for a spin this Saturday. Clever buggers these guys ... they'll do their best to ensure that he thinks my money as his onw, he would say that he'd sell our flat to another buyer at a little higher rate (it's another story that he might do the same thing to me aswell) .... that's their way to gaining confidence. Traits of a professional salesman.

Some tips I could remember -
a) Always go in for smaller property sizes as compared to bigger property sizes. It's easier to sell and often has the best appreciation in value
b) Plots are preferable over flats if quick returns are your goal. Plots are easier to sell as compared to flats.
c) In flats, the variation in prices is not as much as compared to plots, where location and frontage is of primary significance
d) If you are searching for one (plot/flat/house), there will always a second broker who would give you a better deal. So search more, and seek more.

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